About The Entrepreneurial Author Incubator
Write Your Masterpiece. Skyrocket Your Career.
The Entrepreneurial Author Facebook Group and The Entrepreneurial Author Incubator were created to teach writers, artists, speakers, and business owners like you what Dr. Mitchell has learned over the past 30 years—how to use publishing as an elevator that lifts you up from financial struggle to financial freedom. Our team is excited to impart the wisdom and tricks of the trade with individuals who are deeply committed to transforming their lives through authorship.

Our Story
In 2019 Dr. Mitchell experienced multiple breakthroughs in her publishing career. First, a chapter she wrote on navigating academia as a disabled scholar was accepted for publication in an upcoming anthology on disability and the academic job market. A few months later, on a whim, Dr. Mitchell decided to publish a very personal story about the obstetric abuse she endured when she was pregnant titled, "I Almost Died From Preeclampsia. I wasn't Tested Because I'm Black." It went viral. A number of women reached out to her with their stories of obstetric abuse. Dr. Mitchell wanted to capture those stories in a book, so she queried some traditional publishers and won a publishing deal within a week.
Gaining a publishing contract and having a forthcoming publication in an anthology changed Dr. Mitchell's career in ways she never dreamt, specifically, her professional clout was enhanced almost overnight. She was able to leverage that clout to win a 2020 Digital Pedagogy Lab Fellowship, gain a five-figure guest speaker contract with the University of California, Davis, gain more clients for The Done Dissertation, and join a policy group on Black mother mortality in the Denver metropolitan area. These financial and career accomplishments happened despite the economic downturn that accompanied the COVID -19 lockdown. Overall, the past two years have proved to Dr. Mitchell there is a lot of power enterprising writers can tap through writing books and publishing them traditionally.
The Entrepreneurial Author Incubator was created to share the lessons of these momentous wins with writers who are on the cusp of their biggest career breakthroughs, but who are also unsure about the next steps to take to write and traditionally publish a book that will stand the test of time. Dr. Mitchell has assembled a team of highly experienced editors, writers, and content creators who are ready to put their skills to work to make your publishing dreams a reality.
Meet The Team
Incubator Details
The Entrepreneurial Author Incubator is designed to help highly self-motivated authors who are energetic, creative, experienced, and connect with others to refine their writing process. Our goal is to serve effective business people, thought leaders, and influencers who want to deliver high-value information, lessons and stories to improve the lives of their audiences. We expect incubator participants to work consistently by fearlessly putting in time at their desks, meet program deadlines, and table excuses to meet the goals that they set at the beginning of the incubator.
We will be extremely selective about the participants we will select for each year’s incubator, which is why there is a rigorous application process everyone must complete months before the program starts. The Entrepreneurial Author Incubator is NOT for people who:
Are complete writing novices.
Please note: If you are new to writing, please take a few months to work on your own blog, a rough draft of a story or simply journal to discover where you are in your writing before applying for the incubator.
Are looking to only write an hour or two a week.
Who just want their grammar proofread, but not have their ideas interrogated.
Have trouble meeting deadlines.
Want someone to ghostwrite their book.
Aren’t willing to evolve as an author.
If you fall within any of these mindsets, don’t worry! We’ve all been there! Here’s what you can do to move beyond them:
Join the FREE Entrepreneurial Author Facebook group here to get access to motivating webinars, online resources, and a writing support community.
Take a few months to work on your own blog, a rough draft of a story, or simply journal to discover where you are in your writing before applying for the incubator.
That said, if you feel you are an ideal candidate for the incubator, we encourage you to apply! During the 4-month program, Incubator participants will receive:
A 2022 New Years Day Welcome Party and Orientation.
Weekly, hour long, one-on-one consulting meetings with Dr. Mitchell.
Weekly, collaborative meetings and webinars with all Incubator Participants.
Guest lectures with industry leaders once per month (Authors to be announced).
A comprehensive, one-on-one assessment of their writing challenges.
The Self Care for Sustained Writing Strategy to develop a solid writing schedule.
The Entrepreneurial Author’s Journal that will help them pinpoint their audience demographic, niche, and message of their brand. Authors will also discover and refine their writing process using the Author’s Journal.
The Entrepreneurial Author’s Toolkit, which comes complete with templates for book outlines, chapter outlines, paragraph structure, rhetorical devices, book trailer scripts, press releases, agent queries, book proposals, and marketing plans.
Line by line feedback on each chapter of your book by Dr. Mitchell ($10,000 Value)
Receive complete proofreading of each chapter by Editor Tom Angelo ($2000 Value)
Receive a book trailer edited by Jocelyn Lua ($1000 Value)
Bonus Report - 20 Books Every Entrepreneurial Author Should Read
Bonus Report - Gain Press Coverage Using Your Book
Total Cost: $7,979